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Author: Engineer USC

RCRUY Stock Forecast & Recruit Holdings Co. Chart Analysis

This article provides a detailed analysis of RCRUY-Recruit Holdings Co. stock including a forecast for RCRUY shares. It features Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd. technical analysis, support and resistance levels, financial report evaluations, buy and sell signals based on simple moving averages and MACD, and artificial intelligence-assisted target price predictions

Stocks can be purchased through banks, brokerage firms, investment funds, and individual retirement systems.

RCRUY Historical Data Review

RCRUY Current Price Performance Analysis

The Recruit Holdings Co. - RCRUY stock traded on the American stock market, on 06-05-2024, closed at 10.14$ with a %-4.16 decreased compared to the previous day.

In the last month, the price of RCRUY changed by %12.67 increased in value, from 9.0 dollars on 05-06-2024 to 10.14 dollars, increased.

Last year, the price of RCRUY was 6.49 dollars on 06-06-2023, and changed by %56.24 increased in value, to 10.14 dollars increased within a year.

The price of Recruit Holdings Co. stock is riding high above the 50-day and 100-day moving averages. This means it's on a positive run for now, great news for those who got in early. But let's not take our eyes off the ball; no stock climbs forever.

RCRUY with AI Stock Forecast & Price Target

RCRUY stock forecast Recruit Holdings Co. price target

On the RCRUY chart Recruit Holdings Co. price was recorded as 10.14 Dollars on 06/05/2024.

The artificial intelligence's forecast on RCRUY stock is as follows.

The artificial intelligence's prediction error margin for RCRUY stock is very high.

There are two types of risk factors in the artificial intelligence's targets: timing and target prices.

For example, the target price for one month later may be realized three months later. But there is no guarantee of this.

The average predicted price for Recruit Holdings Co. stock over the next 4 months is: 12.0 Dollars.

The commentary on RCRUY stock Target Price: Highest: 13.383 Dollars is predicted.

The commentary on RCRUY stock Target Price: Lowest: 10.099 Dollars is predicted.

Resistance Price where Recruit Holdings Co. stock will Rise and Fall:

Date Price Prediction
10-08-2024 13.383
02-20-2025 12.620

Support Price where Recruit Holdings Co. stock will Fall and Rise:

Date Price Prediction
01-01-2025 12.162
04-01-2025 11.662

The commentary on RCRUY stock: The target price can generally be said to be on the rise.

The commentary on RCRUY stock: Fluctuations in the target price can be expected in the coming days.

The target price for Recruit Holdings Co. stock by the end of 2024 is predicted to be 12.221 Dollars.

The price prediction graph prepared with the help of artificial intelligence, the commentary on RCRUY stock, and the 2024 target price predictions for Recruit Holdings Co. are detailed above.

The technical analysis and charts for the commentary on RCRUY stock are below.

RCRUY Support & Resistance and Trend Analysis

RCRUY review Recruit Holdings Co. technical analysis trend chart RCRUY priceRCRUY stock support and resistance price chart

RCRUY stock you have reviewed the technical analysis support resistance charts regarding.

RCRUY : Targeting Support and Resistance Price Levels

According to the algorithmic analysis results related to the RCRUY review, the Recruit Holdings Co. support and resistance prices are as follows.

Support and resistance levels on the chart are not absolute. They may vary depending on market conditions and macroeconomic indicators.

Recruit Holdings Co. Support and Resistance Prices:

RCRUY Support Level Price RCRUY Resistance Level Price
5.61 7.12
7.00 8.45
7.55 8.49
7.71 8.55
7.74 8.62
8.50 9.10
8.82 9.11
9.66 10.27

RCRUY Technical Analysis: SMA, RSI, MACD

RCRUY review Recruit Holdings Co. SMA chart analysis RCRUY priceRCRUY buy or sell review Recruit Holdings Co. MACD chart analysis RCRUY price

Upon reviewing the RCRUY chart, buy and sell signals have been generated in the Recruit Holdings Co. technical analysis with technical indicators. There are over 100 technical indicators in the market. Each technical indicator can produce different signals.

However, please remember that technical analysis is only a tool and exact results cannot be guaranteed.

On The technical analysis chart and stock comments for RCRUY stock are as follows:
  1. The technical analysis for RCRUY indicates that the 14-period RSI has most recently generated a 'Sell' signal.
  2. The technical analysis for RCRUY indicates that the MACD indicator (with parameters 9, 12, 26) has most recently generated a 'Buy' signal.
  3. The technical analysis for Recruit Holdings Co. issued a 'Buy' signal when the MACD was at -0.048, with the current MACD value being: 0.385

Basic Technical Analysis Tips for Financial Markets

  • Moving averages may not yield reliable results in stagnant, sideways markets.
  • According to MACD technical analysis, the most optimal buying opportunity is a 'Buy' signal given when the MACD is below the 0 level.
  • An RSI crossing below 70 is used as a sell signal, and a crossing above 30 is used as a buy signal.
  • During a strong upward trend, the RSI can rise above 70 and stay there.
  • No indicator is perfect. Having indicators corroborate each other can increase the chances of success.
  • Instead of fully relying on these indicators for your investment decisions, it is recommended to conduct a comprehensive analysis and consult a professional financial advisor.

You have read the comments, technical analyses, target prices, and financial reports for Recruit Holdings Co. stock: Click here to read more predictions on O'Reilly Automotive stock.

Click here for price target predictions and technical analysis charts of other American stocks